Postgraduate training

Personalization and Voluntary Extension of Residency in Family Medicine Guide

2022-11-16 - 16:06

Resident doctors completing their two-year family medicine program have several options for carrying out additional rotations, adapting or extending their training in line with their own needs or those of their practice site, or personalizing their careers. This Guide looks at three options: flexibility within the curriculum; extension of residency; and Enhanced Skills Training programs.

Need Our Advice for a Failed Rotation, a Program Change or any Other Academic Support

2021-05-27 - 11:28

If you have any questions on the university rules or your postgraduate pathway (program change, failed rotation, probation, remediation, intimidation or bullying, or recommendation for exclusion), contact Stéphanie Chevance, in complete confidentiality, at

CBD : understand this training and assessing approach for medical residents and read the 4 reports

2019-01-06 - 08:58

Since July 2017, deployment of Competence by Design in specialties other than family medicine has continued in Quebec’s medical faculties.

We monitor the impact of this training and assessment method in the different training sites. Surveys and discussion groups help us take stock of the situation in all disciplines, in the four faculties. A status report is drawn up each year and distributed to the main system stakeholders.